You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
bobmw c952d03a2c feat(UpdateUserInfoScreen): set institutions filter by UF, City and Type 11 months ago
.expo merge 3 years ago
.idea Review and preparation for deploy 1 Jan 21 1 year ago
db Update wp6.sample.forms-fields-answers.json 3 years ago
src feat(UpdateUserInfoScreen): set institutions filter by UF, City and Type 11 months ago
utils Loading institutions names from Cemaden in register screen 3 years ago
.gitignore Update gitignore and deps 4 years ago
LICENSE Initial commit 4 years ago Changes to publish it through play store 1 year ago
package-lock.json Login working on wpdAuth 4 years ago


This project contains the components developed for a mobile app within the Waterproofing Data Project - WPD-WP6.

Tech stack

Folder Structure Convention

Folder structure options and naming conventions for this project

Directory layout

├── LICENSE                                         # License description file
├──                                       # Readme description file
└── db                                              # database files
└── src                                             # source files
    ├── App.js                                      # app initial file
    ├── app                                         # app custom folders and files
    │   ├── assets                                  # assets folder (images and static)
    │   ├── components                              # basic components folder
    │   ├── config                                  # common config files
    │   ├── hooks                                   # custom hooks
    │   ├── navigation                              # navigation files and routes
    │   └── screens                                 # screen files
    ├── app.json
    ├── babel.config.js
    ├── package-lock.json
    ├── package.json
    ├── web-build
    │   └── register-service-worker.js
    └── yarn.lock

Setting up

$ git clone
$ cd WPD-MobileApp/src
$ npm install


$ cd WPD-MobileApp/src
$ npm start

Running unit tests with Jest

$ cd WPD-MobileApp/src
$ npm run test

Run the app

To run the app locally, you need to install the Expo Go app on your mobile device and then scan the QR code that appears in the terminal after running the following command:

Ensure you have Yarn installed globally:

$ # on macOS
$ sudo yarn install
$ # on Linux   
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

Via Yarn, you can Expo CLI globally:

$ sudo yarn global add expo-cli
$ # It is possible that some extensions are needed
$ sudo yarn add expo-build-properties

Using Expo you can configure the app to run on a mobile OS. In this case Android:

$ eas build:configure

Run on Android Emulator

To run the app using expoon an Android emulator, you need to install the Android Studio and then run the following command:

$ cd WPD-MobileApp/src
$ npm run android

Build and publish the app

To build and publish the Android app, you have to run the following commands:

$ eas build -p android

This uses the EAS Build service to build the app. You can check the status of the build in the EAS Build dashboard.

Note that you might be asked to provide your Expo credentials. If you don't have an Expo account, you can create one by running the following command:

$ expo register