forked from cemaden-educacao/WPD-MobileApp
7 changed files with 678 additions and 11 deletions
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ |
import { create } from "apisauce"; |
const authClient = create({ |
baseURL: "", |
baseURL: "", |
}); |
const authChangePswdClient = create({ |
baseURL: "" |
baseURL: "" |
}) |
export { authClient, authChangePswdClient}; |
@ -0,0 +1,636 @@ |
import * as Yup from "yup"; |
import colors from '../config/colors'; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import Screen from '../components/Screen'; |
import SearchablePicker from '../components/SearchablePicker'; |
import FormDatePicker from '../components/forms/FormDatePicker'; |
import institutions from "../assets/institutions"; |
import defaultStyles from "../config/styles"; |
import constants from "../config/constants"; |
import ConfirmationModal from '../components/ConfirmationModal'; |
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; |
import { Modal, ScrollView, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native'; |
import { Form, FormField, SubmitButton } from '../components/forms'; |
import { UpdateUserInfo, login, userPersonalData } from '../api/auth'; |
import { dimensions } from '../config/dimensions'; |
import { MaterialCommunityIcons } from "@expo/vector-icons"; |
import { useFormikContext } from 'formik'; |
import { states, statesToCities } from "../assets/cities_states"; |
import PasswordFormField from "../components/forms/PasswordFormField"; |
import storage from "../auth/storage"; |
import { AuthContext } from "../auth/context"; |
import getPluviometerStation from "../hooks/usePluviometricStation"; |
//#region PICKERS
function InstitutionNamePicker({ name }) { |
const { values } = useFormikContext(); |
const state = values["state"]; |
const instType = values["institution"]; |
const [items, setItems] = useState([]); |
useEffect(() => { |
try { |
if (state && instType) { |
const insts = institutions[state] && institutions[state][instType]; |
insts ? setItems(insts) : setItems([]); |
} |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e); |
} |
}, [state, instType]); |
return ( |
<SearchablePicker |
name={name} |
items={items} |
setItems={setItems} |
formPlaceholder={"Selecione o nome da instituição"} |
doubleItemLine={true} |
nothingToShow={ |
institutions?.state?.instType |
? "Não encontramos nada com esse termo" |
: state && instType |
? `Nenhuma instituição do tipo ${constants.institutionMap[instType]} no ${constants.statesMap[state]}` |
: "Selecione o Estado e o tipo da instituição primeiro" |
} |
searchPlaceholder={"Busca..."} |
/> |
); |
} |
function SecQuestionPicker({ name }) { |
const [items, setItems] = useState([ |
{ value: "Qual a sua cor predileta?", label: "Qual a sua cor predileta?" }, |
{ |
value: "Qual é seu livro predileto?", |
label: "Qual é seu livro predileto?", |
}, |
{ |
value: "Qual o nome da rua em que você cresceu?", |
label: "Qual o nome da rua em que você cresceu?", |
}, |
{ |
value: "Qual o nome do seu bicho de estimação predileto?", |
label: "Qual o nome do seu bicho de estimação predileto?", |
}, |
{ |
value: "Qual a sua comida predileta?", |
label: "Qual a sua comida predileta?", |
}, |
{ |
value: "Qual é o seu país preferido?", |
label: "Qual é o seu país preferido?", |
}, |
{ |
value: "Qual é a sua marca de carro predileto?", |
label: "Qual é a sua marca de carro predileto?", |
}, |
]); |
return ( |
<SearchablePicker |
name={name} |
items={items} |
setItems={setItems} |
formPlaceholder={"Selecione a pergunta de segurança"} |
searchPlaceholder={"Busca..."} |
marginLeft={2} |
/> |
); |
} |
function RolePicker({ name }) { |
const [items, setItems] = useState([ |
{ value: "ROLE_INSTITUTION", label: "Responsável" }, |
{ value: "ROLE_CLIENT", label: "Não responsável" }, |
]); |
return ( |
<SearchablePicker |
name={name} |
items={items} |
setItems={setItems} |
formPlaceholder={"Selecione o vínculo institucional"} |
searchPlaceholder={"Busca..."} |
/> |
); |
} |
function MaterialCommunityIconsCustom({ |
name, |
color = colors.primary, |
size = 25, |
}) { |
return ( |
<View justifyContent={"center"} height={48}> |
<MaterialCommunityIcons name={name} size={size} color={color} /> |
</View> |
); |
} |
function CityPicker({ name }) { |
const { values } = useFormikContext(); |
const state = values["state"]; |
useEffect(() => { |
state && setItems(statesToCities[state].cities); |
}, [state]); |
const [items, setItems] = useState([]); |
return ( |
<SearchablePicker |
name={name} |
items={items} |
setItems={setItems} |
formPlaceholder={"Selecione a sua cidade"} |
nothingToShow={ |
state |
? "Não encontramos nada com esse termo" |
: "Selecione o Estado primeiro" |
} |
searchPlaceholder={"Busca..."} |
/> |
); |
} |
function InstitutionPicker({ name }) { |
const [items, setItems] = useState([ |
{ value: "E", label: "Escola" }, |
{ value: "D", label: "Defesa civil" }, |
{ value: "N", label: "Não governamental" }, |
{ value: "O", label: "Outra" }, |
{ value: "X", label: "Nenhuma" }, |
]); |
return ( |
<SearchablePicker |
name={name} |
items={items} |
setItems={setItems} |
formPlaceholder={"Selecione o tipo da instituição"} |
searchPlaceholder={"Busca..."} |
/> |
); |
} |
function GenderPicker({ name }) { |
const [items, setItems] = useState([ |
{ value: "F", label: "Feminino" }, |
{ value: "M", label: "Masculino" }, |
{ value: "N", label: "Prefiro não dizer" }, |
]); |
return ( |
<SearchablePicker |
name={name} |
items={items} |
setItems={setItems} |
formPlaceholder={"Selecione o seu gênero"} |
searchPlaceholder={"Busca..."} |
/> |
); |
} |
function StatePicker({ name }) { |
const [items, setItems] = useState(states); |
return ( |
<SearchablePicker |
name={name} |
items={items} |
setItems={setItems} |
formPlaceholder={"Selecione o seu estado"} |
searchPlaceholder={"Busca..."} |
/> |
); |
} |
function LocalDatePicker({ date, setDate, _moment }) { |
const formatDate = () => date.format("DD/MM/YYYY"); |
return ( |
<View flex={1}> |
<FormDatePicker |
onDateChange={(value) => setDate(value)} |
minimumDate={new Date(moment().subtract(110, "year"))} |
date={date} |
> |
<View style={{ flex: 1, paddingRight: 2, paddingLeft: 16 }}> |
<View |
style={{ |
...defaultStyles.shadow, |
height: 58, |
paddingLeft: 12, |
backgroundColor: colors.white, |
borderColor: colors.grayBG, |
borderWidth: 1, |
padding: 5, |
borderRadius: 6, |
flexDirection: "row", |
alignItems: "center", |
}} |
> |
<Text |
style={{ |
color: colors.medium, |
fontSize: 18, |
}} |
> |
{date != _moment |
? formatDate() |
: "Selecione a data de nascimento"} |
</Text> |
</View> |
</View> |
</FormDatePicker> |
</View> |
); |
} |
export default function UpdateUserInfoScreen({ route, navigation }) { |
//#region STATES
const _moment = moment(); |
const [date, setDate] = useState(_moment); |
const [scroll, setScroll] = useState(); |
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false); |
const [showpasswordModal, setShowPasswordModal] = useState(false); |
const [formValue, setFormValue] = useState(null); |
const [modalMessage, setModalMessage] = useState(""); |
const user = route.params.user; |
const title = route.params.title; |
const authContext = useContext(AuthContext); |
const defaultValue = { |
active:, |
city:, |
dateofborn: user.dateofborn, |
gender: user.gender, |
id:, |
institution: user.institution, |
institutiontype: user.institutiontype, |
nickname: user.nickname, |
securityanswer: user.securityanswer, |
securityquestion: user.securityquestion, |
state: user.state, |
termsofusage: user.termsofusage, |
}; |
const validationSchema = Yup.object().shape({ |
name: Yup.string() |
.required("O nome é obrigatório") |
.matches(/[a-zA-Z]/, "O nome só pode conter letras"), |
state: Yup.string().required("O estado é obrigatório"), |
city: Yup.string().required("A cidade é obrigatória"), |
institutionName: Yup.string(), |
}); |
const passwordSchema = Yup.object().shape({ |
password: Yup.string() |
.required("A senha é obrigatória") |
.min(8, "Senha muito curta, minimo 8 caracteres") |
.matches(/[a-zA-Z]/, "A senha só pode conter letras"), |
}); |
const ItensList = ({ icon, IconProvider, title, onPress }) => { |
return ( |
<View> |
<TouchableOpacity disabled={false} onPress={onPress}> |
<View |
style={{ |
marginVertical: 16, |
flexDirection: "row", |
alignItems: "center", |
}} |
> |
<IconProvider name={icon} size={25} color={"#F23"} /> |
<Text |
style={{ |
fontSize: 17, |
marginLeft: 20, |
textTransform: "uppercase", |
fontWeight: "500", |
color: "#F23" |
}} |
> |
{title} |
</Text> |
<View |
style={{ |
alignItems: "flex-end", |
flex: 1, |
}} |
> |
<MaterialCommunityIcons |
name={"chevron-right"} |
size={25} |
color="#F56" |
/> |
</View> |
</View> |
</TouchableOpacity> |
</View> |
) |
}; |
const ListComponent = ({ navigation }) => { |
const profileItems = [ |
{ |
icon: "lock", |
IconProvider: MaterialCommunityIcons, |
title: "alterar senha", |
onPress: () => { |
navigation.navigate("PasswordRecovery", { user: user }); |
}, |
} |
]; |
return ( |
<View> |
{ |
({ icon, IconProvider, title, onPress }) => |
<View key={title}> |
<ItensList |
icon={icon} |
IconProvider={IconProvider} |
title={title} |
onPress={onPress} |
/> |
</View> |
)} |
</View> |
) |
} |
const PasswordModal = ({ children, show, onClose }) => { |
return ( |
<Modal |
visible={show} |
transparent={true} |
animationType="fade" |
onRequestClose={() => setShowModal(false)} |
> |
<View style={{ |
flex: 1, |
justifyContent: "center", |
alignItems: "center", |
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", |
}}> |
<View style={{ |
width: "90%", |
justifyContent: "center", |
alignItems: "center", |
paddingVertical: 10, |
paddingHorizontal: 10, |
backgroundColor: colors.lightestGray, |
borderColor: colors.primary, |
borderWidth: 2, |
borderRadius: 12, |
}}> |
<TouchableOpacity style={{ position: "absolute", top: 10, right: 10 }} onPress={onClose}> |
<MaterialCommunityIcons name="close-circle" size={24} color={colors.primary} /> |
</TouchableOpacity> |
{children} |
</View> |
</View> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
const handleUpdatUserInfo = async (password) => { |
const username = user.username; |
const parsedForm = { |
securityquestion: defaultValue.securityquestion, |
securityanswer: defaultValue.securityanswer, |
id:, |
termsofusage: defaultValue.termsofusage, |
city:, |
gender: formValue.gender, |
institution: formValue.institutionName, |
institutiontype: formValue.institution, |
nickname:, |
active:, |
dateofborn: date.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), |
state: formValue.state, |
}; |
try { |
const apiResponse = await login(username, password); |
const authToken =; |
const result = await UpdateUserInfo(authToken, defaultValue, parsedForm); |
if (result.status == 200) { |
storage.setToken(authToken) |
const getPersonalData = await userPersonalData() |
authContext.clearPluviometerStation() |
authContext.setUser(; |
setShowModal(true); |
setModalMessage("Informações atualizadas com sucesso"); |
} else { |
setShowModal(true); |
setModalMessage("Algum erro inesperado ocorreu"); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Erro ao obter token de autenticação:', error); |
setShowModal(true); |
setModalMessage("Algum erro inesperado ocorreu"); |
} |
}; |
return ( |
<Screen style={styles.container}> |
<ConfirmationModal |
show={showModal} |
description={modalMessage} |
confirmationLabel="OK" |
onConfirm={() => { |
setShowModal(false), |
navigation.goBack(); |
}} |
/> |
<PasswordModal show={showpasswordModal} onClose={() => setShowPasswordModal(false)}> |
<View style={{ width: "100%", height: 250, justifyContent: "space-evenly" }}> |
<Form |
initialValues={{ password: "" }} |
validationSchema={passwordSchema} |
onSubmit={({ password }) => { |
handleUpdatUserInfo(password); |
setShowPasswordModal(false); |
}}> |
<Text style={{ |
fontSize: dimensions.text.secondary, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
textAlign: "left", |
color: colors.secondary, |
paddingLeft: 15 |
}}>Senha*</Text> |
<View style={{ paddingBottom: 24 }}> |
<PasswordFormField |
maxLength={20} |
name="password" |
placeholder="Senha" |
/> |
</View> |
<SubmitButton title={"CONFIRMAR"} flex={1} backgroundColor={colors.primary} /> |
</Form> |
</View> |
</PasswordModal> |
<Form |
initialValues={{ |
city:, |
gender: defaultValue.gender, |
institutionName: defaultValue.institution, |
institution: defaultValue.institutiontype, |
name: defaultValue.nickname, |
role: user.roles[0], |
state: defaultValue.state, |
}} |
validationSchema={validationSchema} |
onSubmit={(form) => { |
setFormValue(form); |
setShowPasswordModal(true) |
}} |
> |
<ScrollView |
scrollToOverflowEnabled={true} |
ref={(ref) => { |
setScroll(ref); |
}} |
style={{ paddingHorizontal: 20 }} |
> |
<Text style={styles.title}>{title}</Text> |
{/*--------------------------------------- NAME ---------------------------------------*/} |
<Text style={styles.labelStyle}>Apelido de usuário*</Text> |
<View style={styles.iconField}> |
<MaterialCommunityIconsCustom name="account" /> |
<FormField |
paddingRight={2} |
flex={1} |
maxLength={40} |
name="name" |
placeholder="Digite o apelido de usuário" |
defaultValue={defaultValue.nickname} |
/> |
</View> |
{/*--------------------------------------- DATEOFBORN ---------------------------------------*/} |
<Text style={styles.labelStyle}>Data de nascimento:</Text> |
<View style={styles.iconField}> |
<MaterialCommunityIconsCustom name="calendar-today" /> |
<LocalDatePicker |
date={date} |
setDate={setDate} |
_moment={_moment} |
/> |
</View> |
{/*--------------------------------------- GENDER ---------------------------------------*/} |
<Text style={styles.labelStyle}>Gênero:</Text> |
<View style={[styles.iconField]}> |
<MaterialCommunityIconsCustom name="account" /> |
<GenderPicker name="gender" /> |
</View> |
{/*--------------------------------------- STATE ---------------------------------------*/} |
<Text style={styles.labelStyle}>Estado*:</Text> |
<View style={[styles.iconField]}> |
<MaterialCommunityIconsCustom name="map-marker" /> |
<StatePicker name="state" /> |
</View> |
{/*--------------------------------------- CITY ---------------------------------------*/} |
<Text style={styles.labelStyle}>Cidade*:</Text> |
<View style={[styles.iconField]}> |
<MaterialCommunityIconsCustom name="map-marker" /> |
<CityPicker name={"city"} /> |
</View> |
{/*--------------------------------------- INSTITUTION ---------------------------------------*/} |
<Text style={styles.labelStyle}>Tipo de instituição:</Text> |
<View style={[styles.iconField]}> |
<MaterialCommunityIconsCustom name="bank" /> |
<InstitutionPicker name="institution" /> |
</View> |
{/* --------------------------------------- INSTITUTIONNAME ---------------------------------------*/} |
<View> |
<Text style={styles.labelStyle}>Nome da instituição</Text> |
<View style={{ flexDirection: "column", flex: 1 }}> |
<View style={{ ...styles.iconField, marginBottom: 12 }}> |
<MaterialCommunityIconsCustom name="bank" /> |
<InstitutionNamePicker name="institutionName" /> |
</View> |
<Text style={styles.warningText}> |
O nome da instituição é fornecido pelo Cemaden Educação |
</Text> |
</View> |
{/* --------------------------------------- ROLE ---------------------------------------*/} |
<Text style={styles.labelStyle}>Vínculo institucional:</Text> |
<View style={[styles.iconField]}> |
<MaterialCommunityIconsCustom name="bank" /> |
<RolePicker name="role" /> |
</View> |
</View> |
<ListComponent navigation={navigation} /> |
<SubmitButton |
flex={1} |
title="confirmar" |
backgroundColor={colors.primary} |
/> |
</ScrollView> |
</Form> |
</Screen> |
); |
} |
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ |
container: { |
justifyContent: "center", |
textAlign: "center", |
}, |
iconField: { |
alignItems: "center", |
width: "100%", |
flex: 1, |
flexDirection: "row", |
marginTop: 12, |
marginBottom: 24, |
}, |
title: { |
fontSize: 22, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
textAlign: "center", |
color:, |
marginVertical: 24 |
}, |
textSubtitle: { |
textAlign: "center", |
fontSize: dimensions.text.tertiary, |
}, |
labelStyle: { |
fontSize: dimensions.text.secondary, |
fontWeight: "bold", |
textAlign: "left", |
color: colors.secondary, |
}, |
warningText: { |
color: colors.primary, |
fontSize: dimensions.text.primary, |
textAlign: "left", |
marginBottom: 24, |
}, |
}); |
Reference in new issue