.title("The authenticator for the Waterproofing Data (WPD) Work Packages")//
.description("This is a sample JWT authentication service. You can find out more about JWT at [https://jwt.io/](https://jwt.io/). For this sample, you can use the `admin` or `client` users (password: admin and client respectively) to test the authorization filters. Once you have successfully logged in and obtained the token, you should click on the right top button `Authorize` and introduce it with the prefix \"Bearer \".")//
.description("This is a sample JWT authentication service. You can find out more about JWT at [https://jwt.io/](https://jwt.io/). For this sample, you can use the `admin` or `client` users (password: admin and client respectively) to test the authorization filters. Once you have successfully logged in and obtained the token, you should click on the right top button `Authorize` and introduce it with the prefix \"Bearer \".")//