# WPD-MobileApp This project contains the components developed for a mobile app within the Waterproofing Data Project - WPD-WP6. # Tech stack - [React Native](https://reactnative.dev/) - [Expo](https://docs.expo.io) # Folder Structure Convention > Folder structure options and naming conventions for this project ### Directory layout ``` . ├── LICENSE # License description file ├── README.md # Readme description file └── db # database files └── src # source files ├── App.js # app initial file ├── app # app custom folders and files │   ├── assets # assets folder (images and static) │   ├── components # basic components folder │   ├── config # common config files │   ├── hooks # custom hooks │   ├── navigation # navigation files and routes │   └── screens # screen files ├── app.json ├── babel.config.js ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json ├── web-build │   └── register-service-worker.js └── yarn.lock ``` ## Setting up $ git clone https://github.com/IGSD-UoW/WPD-MobileApp.git $ cd WPD-MobileApp/src $ npm install ## Running $ cd WPD-MobileApp/src $ npm start ## Running unit tests with [Jest](https://docs.expo.io/guides/testing-with-jest/) $ cd WPD-MobileApp/src $ npm run test