DO $$ DECLARE --id fields idfieldsituationcode bigint; idfieldslatitude bigint; idfieldslongitude bigint; idfieldsaddress bigint; idfieldsdate bigint; idfieldstime bigint; idfieldscomment bigint; idfieldsimages bigint; idfieldsinsname bigint; idfieldsinstype bigint; idfieldsvalue bigint;
--id forms idfloodzonesform bigint; idrainform bigint; idriverform bigint; idpluvform bigint; idpluvregsform bigint;
BEGIN ---------------------------------- Fields --------------------------------------------------
--situação do evento INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Situation', 'situation of the event', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'text' RETURNING id INTO idfieldsituationcode;
--Latitude INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Latitude', 'Event location latitude', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'real' RETURNING id INTO idfieldslatitude;
--Longitude INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Longitude', 'Event location longitude', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'real' RETURNING id INTO idfieldslongitude;
--Endereço INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Address', 'Event adress', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'text' RETURNING id INTO idfieldsaddress;
--Data INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Date_event', 'Event date', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'text' RETURNING id INTO idfieldsdate;
--Hora INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Time_event', 'Event time', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'text' RETURNING id INTO idfieldstime; --Comentário INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Comment', 'Additional comment about the event', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'text' RETURNING id INTO idfieldscomment; --Imagens INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Images', 'Event Images', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'text' RETURNING id INTO idfieldsimages;
--Qtd de agua no pluviometro INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Rain_amount', 'amount of rain recorded in the pluviometer', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'real' RETURNING id INTO idfieldsvalue;
--Tipo da instituição INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Institute_type', 'Kind of an institute', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'text' RETURNING id INTO idfieldsinstype;
--Nome da Instituição INSERT INTO fields(idfieldsdatatypes, name, description, fillingclue, active) SELECT fdt.id, 'Institute_name', 'Name of an institute', '', 1 FROM fieldsdatatypes fdt WHERE fdt.name = 'text' RETURNING id INTO idfieldsinsname;
---------------------------------- Formulários ---------------------------------------
--Begin FloodZones Form INSERT INTO forms(idformsorigins, code, name, description, dtcreation, active, source) SELECT fo.id, 'FLOODZONES_FORM', 'Flood Zones Form', 'Flood Zones Form', current_timestamp, 1, , "citizen" FROM formsorigins fo WHERE fo.name = 'WP6.MobileApp' RETURNING id INTO idfloodzonesform;
--situação INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idfloodzonesform, idfieldsituationcode, 1);
--local (lat, log e endereço) INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idfloodzonesform, idfieldslatitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idfloodzonesform, idfieldslongitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idfloodzonesform, idfieldsaddress, 1);
--data e hora INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idfloodzonesform, idfieldsdate, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idfloodzonesform, idfieldstime, 1);
--comentário INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idfloodzonesform, idfieldscomment, 1);
--imagens INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idfloodzonesform, idfieldsimages, 1); --End FloodZones Form
--Begin Rain Form INSERT INTO forms(idformsorigins, code, name, description, dtcreation, active, source) SELECT fo.id, 'RAIN_FORM', 'Rain', 'Rain zones Form', current_timestamp, 1, "citizen" FROM formsorigins fo WHERE fo.name = 'WP6.MobileApp' RETURNING id INTO idrainform;
--situação INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idrainform, idfieldsituationcode, 1);
--local (lat, log e endereço) INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idrainform, idfieldslatitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idrainform, idfieldslongitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idrainform, idfieldsaddress, 1);
--data e hora INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idrainform, idfieldsdate, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idrainform, idfieldstime, 1);
--comentário INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idrainform, idfieldscomment, 1);
--imagens INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idrainform, idfieldsimages, 1); --End Rain Form
--Begin Pluviometer Form INSERT INTO forms(idformsorigins, code, name, description, dtcreation, active, source) SELECT fo.id, 'PLUVIOMETERS_FORM', 'Pluviometers', 'Pluviometers Form', current_timestamp, 1, "citizen" FROM formsorigins fo WHERE fo.name = 'WP6.MobileApp' RETURNING id INTO idpluvform; --qtd de chuva INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvform, idfieldsvalue, 1);
--local (lat, log e endereço) INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvform, idfieldslatitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvform, idfieldslongitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvform, idfieldsaddress, 1);
--data e hora INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvform, idfieldsdate, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvform, idfieldstime, 1);
--comentário INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvform, idfieldscomment, 1);
--imagens INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvform, idfieldsimages, 1); --End Pluviometer Form --Begin River Form INSERT INTO forms(idformsorigins, code, name, description, dtcreation, active, source) SELECT fo.id, 'RIVERFLOOD_FORM', 'River Flood', 'River Flood Form', current_timestamp, 1, "citizen" FROM formsorigins fo WHERE fo.name = 'WP6.MobileApp' RETURNING id INTO idriverform;
--situação INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idriverform, idfieldsituationcode, 1);
--local (lat, log e endereço) INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idriverform, idfieldslatitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idriverform, idfieldslongitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idriverform, idfieldsaddress, 1);
--data e hora INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idriverform, idfieldsdate, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idriverform, idfieldstime, 1);
--comentário INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idriverform, idfieldscomment, 1);
--imagens INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idriverform, idfieldsimages, 1); --End River Form
--Pluviometer Registration Form INSERT INTO forms(idformsorigins, code, name, description, dtcreation, active, source) SELECT fo.id, 'PLUVIOMETERS_REGISTRATION', 'Pluviometer registration', 'Pluviometer registration', current_timestamp, 1, "citizen" FROM formsorigins fo WHERE fo.name = 'WP6.MobileApp' RETURNING id INTO idpluvregsform;
--local (lat, log e endereço) INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvregsform, idfieldslatitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvregsform, idfieldslongitude, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvregsform, idfieldsaddress, 1);
--data e hora INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvregsform, idfieldsdate, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvregsform, idfieldstime, 1);
--Instituição (tipo e nome) INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvregsform, idfieldsinstype, 1);
INSERT INTO formsfields(id, idforms, idfields, active) VALUES (DEFAULT, idpluvregsform, idfieldsinsname, 1); --End Pluviometer Registration Form END $$;