Cauã 892f244897 Adicionando endpoint para criação e edição de uma instituição 1 year ago
.. Fixing JPA Cache 3 years ago
educacao.cemaden-organization-dump.csv Adding load module 4 years ago

wpdAuth.load module

This module is responsible to load the organizations dump from Cemaden Educations web site. The dump is loaded from the csv file here in this folder following the ddl structure to the entity 'educemaden_organizations'. In order to avoid SQL errors, there are no indexes on 'educemaden_organizations' entity, and for each load this entity should be truncated.


  • Make sure the setup was finished successfully according to the instruction in the root README file.

How to run this load

Once the project setup was finished successfully, follow the steps below:

  • Start the PostgreSQL and run the scripts to create the database and get the load data.
  $ psql -d wpdauth -c "TRUNCATE TABLE auth.educemaden_organizations;"
  $ psql -d wpdauth -c "\COPY auth.educemaden_organizations(id,active,name,creation_date,inep_code,phone,type,website,login,address,responsible) FROM '/<absolute path>/educacao.cemaden-organization-dump.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;"
  $ psql -d wpdauth -c "SELECT * FROM auth.educemaden_organizations;"