This module is responsible to load the organizations dump from [Cemaden Educations web site]( The dump is loaded from the csv file [here]() in this folder following the [ddl structure]() to the entity 'educemaden_organizations'. In order to avoid SQL errors, there are no indexes on 'educemaden_organizations' entity, and for each load this entity should be truncated.
This module is responsible to load the organizations dump from [Cemaden Educations web site]( The dump is loaded from the csv file [here]( in this folder following the [ddl structure]( to the entity 'educemaden_organizations'. In order to avoid SQL errors, there are no indexes on 'educemaden_organizations' entity, and for each load this entity should be truncated.
# Dependencies
- Make sure the setup was finished successfully according to the instruction in the root [README file]().
- Make sure the setup was finished successfully according to the instruction in the root [README file](